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The thousand names of lalitA : aSwArUdAdhiShTitASvakotikotibhirAvrutA

67. aSwArUdAdhiShTitASvakotikotibhirAvrutA

Surrounded by crores of horses lead by the devi aSwArUdA


  1. lalitAparameSwari’s cavalry is lead by the devi aSwarUdA who is always seen as mounted on a horse. According to the brahmANda purANa she has originated from the lalitA parameSwari’s pASa (noose). She rides a horse called aparAjitA (tripura sidhAnta)
  2. As she is the overlord of horses she is called aSwArUDA.
  3. Horses are an allegory for the five senses (indriya). The mind rides the senses. The mind is aSwArUdA (aSwa – horse + ArUDA – rider). The mind accomplishes its task through the indriyas. Thus the mind is the master of the senses. She is the master of the mind
  4. इन्द्रियाणांमाधिष्टात्री भूतानां चाकिलेषु च। भुतेषु सततं तस्यै वयाप्तिदेवयै नामो नम: (Devi mahatmyam 5-77). She is the overlord of the senses of all the beings of the world. My prostrations to the omnipresent devi who is constantly present in all beings.
  5. One who controls the senses of all being by the power of desire

Krishna G Seshadri @hormndoc



Condensed from

  1. bAskararAya. sowbAgya bAskaraM and lalitA sahasranAmam. Nirnaya Sagar Bombay press 1935
  2. Lalitha Saharsanamam tamizh vilakka urai Gnana Baskara Sangam 1999 Chennai 1
  3. R Ananthakirshna Sastry. Lalitha Sahasranama with Bhaskararaya’s commentary. Adayar Library and Research Centre. 2001
  4. Cheeran JV. Gajah 39 (2013) 24-29

Image Courtesy: behance.net

  1. Kalyana Srinivas
    August 8, 2023 at 7:55 am

    Om Dum Durgayai Namaha


  2. Anonymous
    February 16, 2024 at 8:45 pm

    Very nice.


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